Scott McArdle

Whether it's coaching and training, campaign planning and execution, executive search, development assessments, major gift program expansion, or philanthropic advising, I can help you make the most of your development efforts and deepen engagement with your donors.
  • Scott McArdle

    McArdle & Associates

     Scott has spent over 30 years in the nonprofit sector in variety of roles as a staff member, consultant, board member and trusted philanthropic advisor to dozens of individuals, families and foundations.

Campaign Planning Studies and Management
Capital, endowment, comprehensive campaign oversight, and planning study direction.
Development Staff Search
Staffing needs assessment, job description development, recruitment/head-hunting, screening, interviewing, and hiring assistance.
Development Audits/Assessments
Comprehensive development program review and ROI-based recommendations report based on analysis of all contributed revenue streams, donor base, staffing structure, and annual plans and activities.
Case Development and Communications
Fully integrated content and design services to create case statements for capital campaigns and other fundraising initiatives.
Major Giving Program Development and Expansion
Donor base analysis/assessment and strategic direction to increase major giving and deepen donor relationships.
Development Staff and CEO Coaching and Board Training
Real-time, action-oriented coaching designed to educate and motivate executives, staff, and volunteer leadership to embrace, co-create, and achieve philanthropic goals.
Current & Past Client Engagements
References and additional details available by request.
[email protected]

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